Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapter 4: Aliens

Chapter 4: Most Americans believe in aliens. Many believe that these aliens visit earth at a regular basis(according to public polls). In these polls, a percent of Americans also report episodes of missing time, awakening in  a state of paralysis, and flying through the air. Here is an article that gives a bit more of information pertaining to this topic:
Alien Abduction
Pollsters have concluded that two percent of Americans have been abducted by space aliens. The only problem with this is that pollsters never asked anyone whether they were actually abducted. Carl says that as a high school student he was "confronted" with the flying saucer mythology. In college Carl began to learn a little about how science works, and how many false starts and dead ends have plagued human thinking, and how our biases can color our interpretation of the evidence. Carl says he has remained fascinated long after his early enthusiasm for UFOs decreased, as he understood more about the scientific method. Everything hinges on the matter of evidence. The more we want it to be true the more careful we must be. People make mistakes. People play practical jokes and stretch the truth for many things like money or fame. They also misunderstand what they are seeing and sometimes even see things that aren't there.


  1. It makes me so happy to see a post about aliens in my reading list. I think it's really cool how your author studied and thought about something that is referred to as "science-fiction." You never know! Just about anything is possible, and life on other planets should definitely be looked into. I just hope it's not tax-payer's dollars funding that research...

  2. I do not believe in aliens. But I do believe in the people make mistakes part, this is quite possibly why there are so many "sightings". Aliens were probably just created by some prankster one day and it got passed down since then.

  3. I think that over exaggerated stories and the media play a huge part in the alien conspiracies. Once the idea of aliens in in our minds our brain can jump to conclusions.
